Meet Team Drunk!

Meet Team Drunk!
JANUARY 26, 2022
Between us, we…
…are all over the map. We live in over 75 different zip (and postal!) codes around the world.
…speak over 20 languages.

…love pets. Thirty-seven of us have dogs. Twenty of us have cats. (And one of us has ferrets.)
…embrace loungewear. Sixty-five percent of us have worn our pajamas to a Zoom meeting. (Which means 35% of us are liars.)
…practice what we preach. Forty-three percent of us use 4 to 6 DE products on a typical day (and 24% of us use over 10!).

…kind of like basketball. At least 17% of us are Houston Rockets fans.
…are astrologically imbalanced. For reasons unknown, we have more Geminis on staff than Pisces, Cancers, and Sagittarians combined.
…really love two products in particular. Team Protini beats Team C-Firma by a nose.

…can be stubborn. Five of us refuse to pick only one favorite DE product.