What’s a Skincare Smoothie?

What’s a Skincare Smoothie?
JULY 15, 2022
If you don’t know, now you know.
There are those who believe skincare should be layered. Layer on a something. Wait. Layer on something else. Wait. Wait. Wait….
At Drunk Elephant, we like to smoothie our skincare. Much like you choose ingredients for your daily smoothie based on your body’s cravings, we believe in picking products for a.m. and p.m. smoothies based on how your skin feels. All of our products are biocompatible and designed to be mixed together (except Umbra Sheer and Umbra Tinte sunscreens, which are formulated to sit on top of the skin). So mix a little of this and a drop of that or a pump of this and a couple pumps of that in the palm of your hand, apply it all in one go, and boom. Bob’s your uncle.
We asked Drunk Elephant staffers for some smoothie inspo.

My go-to is the Own Your Power Smoothie [Protini Serum, B-Hydra, Protini Cream] because it can be used anytime, day or night, and I’m obsessed with how Protini Serum makes my skin look and feel (so smooth and bouncy!). Thanks to Drunk Elephant’s products (plus working from home), I almost never wear makeup anymore, so if I’m leaving the house I’ll usually just dab O-Bloos and D-Bronzi on top for my blush and bronzer, and they give me such a healthy, sun-kissed flush.

Right now my favorite smoothie is C-Firma Fresh + Virgin Marula Oil + Lala every morning. C-Firma Fresh on its own is a game changer—my skin has never been brighter. But mixing it with a double hit of moisturizers is like a win-win-win: I literally get compliments on my complexion, and I’ve never been one of those people.

The Absolute Power Smoothie [C-Firma Fresh, B-Hydra, Protini Cream] is my morning go-to, although I like to steal some benefits from the ABC Smoothie [A-Passioni, B-Hydra, C-Firma Fresh] as well by adding A-Passioni. So maybe my smoothie is the Absolute ABC, haha. I also always preface my smoothie with a good mist of Sweet Biome. I personally love this smoothie—as I feel it’s the perfect amount of moisture and leaves my skin looking glowing.
At night, I usually use the Holding Firm Smoothie [T.L.C. Framboos, B-Hydra, and Protini Cream], and I top it off with F-Balm two or three nights per week. With this smoothie combo, I notice a definite difference.

My favorite smoothie is my own recipe—it’s an intensive moisture smoothie:
- 1 pump Lala
- 1 pump Protini Cream
- 1 pump Virgin Marula Oil
- 1 pump A-Passioni (every 3rd night)
I apply this every night, adding in a pump of A-Passioni a couple times a week. My skin is so happy when I wake up—all soft and glowy. I apply in bed (am I allowed to say that? 😊) and rub the excess on my elbows and feet.

My favorite daytime smoothie right now is C-Firma Fresh, A-Passioni, and Lala, with a few drops of Virgin Marula mixed in. The C-RetinoLala? 🤪
This combo keeps everything soft, while the combo of vitamin C and retinol works overtime to help defend skin against UV-generated free radical damage (under my SPF, natch).

My favorite smoothie is the Absolute Power Smoothie [1 pump C-Firma Fresh + 1 pump B-Hydra + 1 pump Protini Cream]. Since I apply it every morning, it’s my way of feeling like I’m officially ready for the day. It instantly makes my skin appear brighter and refreshed 🌞